Sea Stories

Sea stories are one of the pillars of a seafaring career; they are more than just "been there, done that," the stories of drama, whimsy, far off lands, the good and bad times – they create a sense of purpose and community which makes the sea service a profession, and not just a job.

At Old Salt Coffee, our goal is to bring sailors together, at sea or ashore, to share their sea stories. Our coffees have that distinctive aroma, body, and taste that sets the tone for conversations.

Below are stories submitted from other Old Salts just like you. We would be honored to hear and share your sea story.

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Merchant Marine
Loved my Indy coffeE
Mom was a wave
Night in Bermuda Triangle
P-3 to the rescue
flying into an attack on Saigon, vietnam, tan son nhut airbase
Coffee mess duty
Small world
Harpooning JAWS